Thursday, January 8, 2009

The World of Surprising Faces

I am getting some disturbing images and thoughts about faces.

My mind is imagining a young woman who has encountered an irreversible, startling and/or disgusting reality in the faces of others. This is what she sees:

  • Faces that possess the texture of the bottoms of very dirty and filthy shoes.

  • Faces that are teeming with a million worms living inside of pores

  • Faces that are filled with pulsating juicy blueberries embedded underneath the skin

  • Faces that cast off double expressions where twisted smiles are half-way engulfed by shriveling sad mouths and where widened happy eyes are infused with pairs that are covered heavily in white film and signs of massive infection

  • Faces that, upon closer inspection, are really illusions created by the clustering and bonding of extremely tiny multi-colored squeaking creatures

  • Faces that are frozen in an expression but emanate the most lively and animated voices and sound effects.

  • Faces that are hideous to look at for a few seconds but soon become interpreted as profoundly beautiful visions

  • Faces that contain extrusions of many bone-like growths

  • Faces that appear to have depth but really are very flat surfaces that exist only in theory

  • Faces that look normal from a distance but reveal themselves as twisted and gaping portals into unknown realms once they are closer in view.

  • Faces that are entirely parasitic entities and traps that wait for engaging conversations with others but devour and take on the look and entity of their victims once they are fully consumed.

  • Faces that explode into a violent storm of sand and smoke once certain key words are spoken to them

  • Faces that enlarge into the massive size of planets at certain times of the day which immediately alters the existence and and reality of any current spectators

I am not sure why these images are flooding into my mind. Some of them are very unpleasant. I think they might be coming to mind as somewhat synesthetic interpretations of impressions I've gotten from various people lately. Yeah I think that's it.

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